Hey everyone funds are really low. If you can make a small Donation it would be greatly appreciated and depending on how many Donations are received we most likely can expand the site and get a different host with a private server making app downloads extremely fast. I mean come on, we all know Appulo.us (Installous) isn't gonna last much longer. Your Donations do not go into anyone's pocket. They go towards what you are all here for...yep Apps
If you cant Donate please take a second to just clik on any advertisement below or above these posts. That gets us only $.05 to $.20 per clik but it adds up quick if everyone does it. Just one or two cliks while your here let page load then come right back here.
Nov 5, 2009
Need a Little Help
Hey everyone funds are really low. If you can make a small Donation it would be greatly appreciated and depending on how many Donations are received we most likely can expand the site and get a different host with a private server making app downloads extremely fast. I mean come on, we all know Appulo.us (Installous) isn't gonna last much longer. Your Donations do not go into anyone's pocket. They go towards what you are all here for...yep Apps
If you cant Donate please take a second to just clik on any advertisement below or above these posts. That gets us only $.05 to $.20 per clik but it adds up quick if everyone does it. Just one or two cliks while your here let page load then come right back here.
If you cant Donate please take a second to just clik on any advertisement below or above these posts. That gets us only $.05 to $.20 per clik but it adds up quick if everyone does it. Just one or two cliks while your here let page load then come right back here.
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